Infinite 「無限」
Landscape sculpture opens
in Hongkong Land's West Bund Financial Hub in Shanghai
景觀雕塑 置地上海西岸金融城
Hongkong Land's West Bund Financial Hub in Shanghai
「無限」 景觀雕塑 座落在置地上海西岸金融城
共時性 • Synchronicity
The painter is like a butcher, cutting and deconstructing the body to find where the soul is, or though the pain of cutting, to provide the evidence of living.
Carl Jung, the founder of analytical psychology, introduced the theory of synchronicity as a hypothesis of an "intersubjective" or "philosophically objective" connection between meaningful coincidences.
"Synchronicity" represnts as the central theme of Yun Chin Hsu's latest exhibition, where she combines sculptures, photography, and drawings created over the past three years.
In her most recent series of drawings, Yun Chin explores the essence of "meaningful coincidence" through the continuous creation and erasure of complete images on canvas. She focuses on self-portraits to express both the subjective and objective aspects of direct creation, with the intention of presenting images that exist but do not exist. The finishing dates are recorded on the side of the paper during the subsequent reconstruction. Yun Chin creates a space for narrating the past that has been wiped away and for the emergence of the present. By consistently removing distinct lines, she aspires to depict the realms of the subconscious, past lives, and the realities of dreams.
By blending conscious and unconscious elements in her creative process, she intentionally removes and obscures the components that typically constitute a complete image. Her belief is that the true meaning of life often lies in the insignificance of what we consciously consider important, while the authenticity of life is revealed through unconscious reactions and dreams.
這次的展覽結合過去三年創作的雕塑,攝影跟繪畫 彼此之間呼應了「共時性 •Synchronicity」這個主題。
透過有意識與無意識的創作,有意識的刪去 塗抹掉一般來說構成完整畫面的部分。
因為我相信大部分現實生活認知重要的細節都不重要 無意識的反應跟巧合反而透露生命最真實的軌跡。
我的自畫像本身是一張不斷變化的畫布。透過不斷抹掉完整的線條 ,然後重新構建。作品邊緣的時間記錄以及堆疊的筆觸,述說了被抹去(已流逝)的過去和新生的現在。
Faces, 2023
Material: Stainless
Inspired from Diamond Sutra-
The Buddha said to Subhuti: “All appearances are illusory. To see that appearances are not appearances is to see the Tathagata.”
「若見諸相非相, 即見如來。」透過不斷的解構,切分真我的形象,來找到自我存在價值。
從佛學對生命“無限 infinate ”的對話 。透過不斷複製再切割的臉,是透過不斷重複產生改變,探索理解生命的過程。德勒茲在差異與重複ㄧ書中強調 “在重複之中,沒有兩個東西會真正一模一樣。世界只有重複,所謂的複製物也是新的東西,真實世界只能成為存有的過程(becoming),而沒有穩定不變的存有(being)。” 在東方佛學 “一即無量” 也得到呼應。
Shanghai Jing’an International Sculpture Park
Quisque vitae ornare tellus, scelerisque
Phasellus laoreet vestibulum felis
Diagram of Fears
Fear is an emotion response by psychical pain or recognized, and memorized the dangerous. It is like a trigger of drying artery, and pump of lifeless heart. Fear is a medium that I identify my existence within the outside world. The best way to deal with fears is facing it.The fearful self becomes the totem in order to discover and reveal things.Fear is a plaster seals the surface of many problems contained below this surface. They create forms that stand for fear, but what are their real faces? The whole installation takes twelve hours to finish.From the human history, objects are created to satisfy the need in special time and event.
Royal Colege of Art, Henry Moore Gallery, 2013